myxomatosis$51505$ - traducción al Inglés
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myxomatosis$51505$ - traducción al Inglés

Myxomatosis cuniiculi; Mixamytosis; Myxo; Myxamatosis; Myxomitosis; Myxomatosis, infectious; White blindness; Mixametosis; Mixamatosis; Mixemetosis; Mixematosis; Myxemetosis; Myxametosis; Myxometosis; Myxematosis; Myxymatosis; Mixymetosis; Mixymatosis; Myxymetosis; Miximatosis; Miximetosis; Mixomatosis; Mixometosis; Myximatosis; Myximetosis; Infectious myxomatosis; Myxamitosis; Myxie; Myxi; Mixmatosis; Myxmatosis; Mixy; Myxy
  • Releasing the myxoma virus in Australia
  • Evolutionary history of the myxoma virus in Europe and Australia
  • Rabbit and myxomatosis introductions around the world with dates
  • alt=[[Rabbit]] suffering from Myxomatosis
  • European rabbit with Californian strain of myxomatosis, indicated by swollen eyelids and genitals (Santa Cruz, California)
  • European rabbit with Lausanne strain of myxomatosis (West Yorkshire, UK)
  • Rabbits around a waterhole in the myxomatosis trial site on [[Wardang Island]], Australia in 1938

n. myxomatosis (konijneziekte)


¦ noun a highly infectious and usually fatal viral disease of rabbits, causing swelling of the mucous membranes and inflammation and discharge around the eyes.



Myxomatosis is a disease caused by Myxoma virus, a poxvirus in the genus Leporipoxvirus. The natural hosts are tapeti (Sylvilagus brasiliensis) in South and Central America, and brush rabbits (Sylvilagus bachmani) in North America. The myxoma virus causes only a mild disease in these species, but causes a severe and usually fatal disease in European rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Myxomatosis is an excellent example of what occurs when a virus jumps from a species adapted to it to a naive host, and has been extensively studied for this reason.. The virus was intentionally introduced in Australia, France, and Chile in the 1950s to control wild European rabbit populations.